Crazy Sexy Diet - Haley's Must Read

I want to share a book with you that had a huge impact on my family’s lives and kicked off our health journey: "Crazy Sexy Diet", by Kris Carr.

Crazy Sexy Diet Book

“Crazy Sexy Diet” by Kris Carr was so powerful and influential as its content led us to make so many dietary changes to our lifestyle. I first discovered Kris in an article that I came across more than 10 years ago. Saying that her story was inspiring is an understatement. She writes her book with wit and charm, and captivates her readers and motivates them to change how they treat themselves and their bodies. I remember keeping this article in a safe place because I wanted to send a copy of it to my good friend whose mother was dying from a similar kind of cancer that Kris was battling. I wanted my friend to read the article for herself to see what Kris was doing to fight her own cancer and manage her disease. 

I’m not sure if my friend ever had the chance to read Kris’ story because her mother passed away shortly after I gave her the article, but I still hung on to it and wrote down the name of Kris’ book “Crazy Sexy Diet”…just in case I ever came across someone else who may need it.

Never in a million years would I have thought that this article would be pulled out of its hiding place for someone in my immediate family. 

The day my husband was diagnosed with cancer, I ordered a copy of Kris’ book and read it cover to cover, aloud, in bed one night . We soaked up all her cancer tips and learned how to take better control of our bodies, recognizing this would improve the odds of a positive outcome, but certainly not guarantee it. We also learned about the importance of becoming advocates for our own health. No one should ever feel afraid to ask a doctor questions. People should feel that they have a sense of agency, in particular, when it relates to choices dealing with their health. 

I couldn't put the book down as it was so empowering and life changing. When we finally did, we propped it up on the kitchen shelf as it became our cancer survival guide. 

Infused with humour, Kris provided good advice to improve the odds of conquering this life-altering disease by reframing one's perspective and tackling the challenge as an adventure. With the help of some of the best doctors and researchers, Kris covers everything one needs to know about nutrition, reducing inflammation, and preventing and trying to "turn off" disease. We lent this book regularly as we thought others could benefit from reading it, just as we had.  

Kris is an expert on nutrition and cancer - focusing on sustaining wellness as opposed to curing illness. A largely plant-based diet seemed like the way to go as it is anti-inflammatory, high in nutrients, and lower in sugar. However, becoming a vegan wasn't something we were fully ready to take on, so we did what we could and slowly made changes. We incorporated more raw foods into our diets, started juicing, switched to grass-fed meat, and cut out refined sugar because as we learned, cancer feeds on sugar. We bought organic nuts, fruits and vegetables…. hence Haley’s Pantry’s Organic Granola! We sipped on bone broth, and built-in healthy habits like meditation and mindfulness.  

Thanks to Kris and her book “Crazy Sexy Diet”, we became aware about the connection between sugar and cancer. 

The changes that we made became our new normal. We started going to a naturopath to learn about alternative medicine-something that we knew nothing about.


I am forever grateful for finding Kris Carr as she taught us how to help detoxify our bodies and take a more active role in our health. Changing our lifestyle required and still requires dedication and hard work. Putting in the time and effort to exercise regularly, get enough sleep and eat a clean diet is definitely worth it to us. we feel better and are also hopefully better for it. You can purchase your own copy of "Crazy Sexy Diet" here. Trust me, you will not regret reading this fantastic book. 

XO, Haley

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